Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Favorite "Guilt Free" Weekend Breakfast

I discovered a fat free muffin that is really quite good. I have only ever found them at Winco, but I'm sure that once you find them you won't be disappointed.

While the muffins are good on their own, I knew they could be SO much better. I made a "crumble" for on top. I sort of eyeball it but it consists of about 1 cup sugar, half cup brown sugar, as much cinnamon as you'd like, a tablespoon of flour and 1/2 tablespoon better which ends up making each muffin less then .5 grams of fat per muffin. If you choose to, you can add a little more butter and it makes the tops crispy. SUPER yummy! I combine all "crumble" ingredients in a bowl and squish them with my fingers. I tried the whole "cutting" technique with 2 knives and I tried using a fork but ultimately I like the result I get with my handy dandy fingers.

I then spoon a spoonful of the crumble on the muffins before baking. I also don't use cupcake liners in my pans when making these because it seemed like they stuck every single time. Such a waste of a good muffin when you have to spend your Saturday morning peeling little tiny pieces off of the liner. 

Here is the finished product. I used just half tablespoon butter on these so they didnt get crunchy on top...just crumbly.

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